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I drive over to the city’s west side a couple of times a week, and when I do, it’s impossible not to notice the missed opportunities landscaping-wise. There are empty medians, medians filled with dead and dying plants, and then all the areas with improperly pruned plants, like here:

Butchered is a better description than improperly pruned.

Looks like many of the Apache Plume have already died from the injustice – note the gaps between plants:

They should be full and wispy, and not box-shaped.

These photos aren’t that great – it’s absolutely terrifying driving on the west side, much less pulling over to photograph anything. (Hence no photos of the dead medians.) Sorry about that, but safety first!


The bad pruning goes on for miles.

I’ll be back manana, hope to see you here.

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About Me

Hi! My name is Liza. Welcome to my blog and thanks for visiting! I’m a Midwestern gal now living in Arizona, after many years of living in and owning a plant care business in New Mexico.

Plants are living, breathing creatures, and if they’re indoor plants, they are 100% dependent on human care. They cannot water themselves.

Please let me know if you have questions or if you would like help with your plants or garden. You can reach me at lizatheplantlady (at) gmail (dot) com or follow me on Twitter, Lizawheeler7.

All photos are mine unless otherwise noted. All content is also entirely my hard work. If you’d like to use any content or photos, all you have to do is ask. If you take without asking, you are a thief. And thieves suck. So don’t suck. We have a deal? Good.

