Want to meet the panel? Ok! Up first is my good friend Andy Williams:

Andy Williams: Andy and I grew up together in the same small Indiana town. He’s an outstanding patriot and Hoosier, now living in Phoenix with his wife Colleen.

When he’s not traveling the world, Andy loves watching sports and racing, particularly the Indy 500 (“It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”) He’s also very smart and wickedly funny. It’s been great to have him as a friend all these years. Thanks Andy for joining us!

Our next expert is “EZ” Ed Johnson.

EZ Ed Johnson: Ed and I have been friends since our days working together in the sports department of the local paper. He’s still a sportswriter, and author, screenwriter, poet and more. We’re tickled to have him on our esteemed panel.

Next up is my great friend Tim, who I call Thack for short.

Tim Thackaberry: Tim is an esteemed member of our panel. He and I have known each other for years. He is the Director of IT at a local New Mexico insurance company. He’s very funny, very witty and smart, smart, smart.

Another expert is my dear, dear friend Dottie Correll.

Dottie Correll: Dottie and I used to work together in the office of the Mid-Rio Grande chapter of the American Red Cross. Now an octogenerian, Dottie has volunteered for the Red Cross since 1963. She should be declared a National Treasure! She also has quite the green thumb.

Our last but in no way least expert is Lewis Casey.

Lewis Casey: Lewis is a Disaster Action Team Captain for the local Red Cross (meaning, if your house burns down in the middle of the night, he shows up to take care of you). He also has a long and storied history with plants, farming, greenhouses and breakfast rice.

Here he is at the Downtown Growers’ Market 2010: