Recently I visited a newish plant nursery in Phoenix, named Dig It (it’s on 16th Street just north of Thomas Blvd). There, I succumbed to the lure of summer flowers.

Like these Gomphrena flowers:

Good To Grow, Liza's photos, pretty new summer flowers

I’m a total sucker for them, even though I’ve never bought any before now. I’ll move them into a sunnier spot, but they’re ok for the moment. The container, which I love, came from a sale at the Desert Botanical Garden. It was made in Portugal, and I think it’s gorgeous.

I’ve got lots of photos of pretty plants and places that I’m planning on posting in the coming days. Maybe without much commentary as I’m pressed for time these days. But hopefully you’ll enjoy the eye candy.

If you have tips for caring for Gomphrena, I’m all ears.